Sunday, September 23, 2012

My Test Results

Turns out, according to Gregorc, I am random: abstract and concrete. Abstract random meaning I am caring and sensitive towards others emotions. I love listening to music and acting. Concrete random meaning I am independent and like trying new things.

According to Gardner, I have strong bodily-kinesthetic and musical abilities. I also have a stong intrapersonal ability. Apparently, I think deeply inside myself. I sing and tap my feet often. I enjoy doing sports and playing outside.

I admire many people but here are three:
     1) My mom- My mom is probably concrete sequential. She is very ordered and structured.
     2) My sister, Kaity- Kaity is abstract sequential and logical-mathematical. She is very smart.
     3) My dad- Dad is concrete ranom. He is independent and likes doing things his own way.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ups and Downs, Truths and Myths

As a gifted child, there are many ups and downs I face throughout the day. Many people have heard myths about us that they think are true. They are so wrong...

An up of being gifted is that it enables you to learn faster. Therefore, you are put into advanced classes. This helps someone gifted to work at their own pace and achieve their full potential. You can receive high school credits for being in the course. When you are gifted, you have special talents that many other students do not have. Being gifted gives you the power of making something great greater; putting over the top and what's expected.

There are downs, too. Society sets higher expectations of you. If you don't know an answer to one question, society thinks it's a big deal. You stand out to others and you are perceived as weird and strange. Gifted children often dumb themselves down to fit in. When you are gifted and talented, you are the one that needs to help the slower kid...or show someone where their class is...or take someone to the nurse...etc. It can become annoying and get on your nerves.

Truths and myths come and go, as well. Talented kids are more than often smarter in one area. In reality, students who are average or below average don't look up to gifted children. They feel inferior and try to stay away from them.

A myth is that gifted students always get straight A's. They are always well-behaved. Average people assume that we are stuck-up and elitists, meaning superior. Well this is their wake up call because as I said before, they are so wrong.

Yep, that's about it. You should understand by now.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

It's All About Me...All the Time!!!

Hey rogate people!! My name is Jessie. I am an eighth grader. My favorite subjects are gym and lunch. I like to learn about random stuff; something totally irrelevant to whatever I'm talking about. I am a field hockey-aholic. Field hockey is so much cooler than soccer or cross country or any other sport. I also love singing. When I grow up, I want to be a professional country singer or a pro-field hockey player in the Olympics (I know, everything I just said was totally redundant). I know those are far out goals, but maybe I'll make it. Music makes me happy quite obviously.