Monday, May 6, 2013

What's Worth Knowing?

That is a great question: what is worth knowing? Neil Gaiman makes a good point. You can't learn anything worth knowing in school. You may learn how to add and subtract but that is not worth knowing. It is just something you have to know. I believe that your values are worth knowing. Your family heritage and background is worth knowing. How your freedoms came to be and your country became what it is. For example, many people died in wars and battles to give us the freedom of speech, religion, the right to vote. To not know about these heroic people is just disrespectful to the country and those people. These are all things worth knowing. Being a military kid, I believe it is worth knowing the words to the Pledge of Allegiance, the Star-Spangled Banner, and God Bless America. These words represent our country in my opinion. I also think that it is important to know the words to the Army Song because my dad has been in the army even longer than I have been alive. However, that may only pertain to me. It is worth knowing how to react in different situations and to know different survival techniques. Reactions and survival techniques can save lives. These are some of the things that I think are worth knowing.

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