Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The First Amendments

The First Amendments include speech, petition, assembly, speech, and religion. However, not everything is completely spelled out. One question is about the freedom of speech. Do you have the same freedom of speech on the Internet vs. other forms of media? The First Amendment Center states that the Supreme Court ruled speech on the Internet receives the highest First Amendment protection.

Another question I have is about the "separation of church and state." Does it say this in the Constitution? The words do not appear in the Constitution. However, according to the First Amendment Center on religion, it was intended when it was written. The government may not favor one religion over the other. In fact, they cannot not favor religion over non-religion.

One last question has to do with the freedom of the assembly. When am I allowed to protest? Where am I allowed to protest? Well, according to the First Amendment Center on assembly, the government can restrict the time and place to protect public safety. That answers when and where. I guess now I don't have any questions so.....I guess I'm done.

1 comment:

  1. I've never understood the seperation of church and state either.
