Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Photo Essay Analysis

I chose this photo because my family is military and so are a lot of my older family members. In the photo is a soldier of the U.S. Army Old Guard. You may not notice that many of the gravestones do not have an American flag next to them. It is Memorial Day and it took 1,300 soldiers, marines, and sailors  three hours to put a flag at the base of over 300,000 graves in Arlington Cemetery in Washington, D.C. This means a lt to me because it shows that we remember the fallen and that we care. This also reminds me of the soldiers that stand outside the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier no matter day or night, rain or shine. The question is, would you be willing to do this for your fallen heroes of the United States of America?

Monday, February 25, 2013

Photo Journalism: Looking In

Here are photos I think represent looking in.

Looking into the pan that my sister is making cupcakes in

Looking into a candle holder

Looking into my analog clock in the kitchen

Thursday, February 21, 2013

President's Day in Vermont

During the 3-day weekend, I went to my house in Vermont. We drove by a lake in Newport, VT (10 minutes from Canada) and saw a bunch of people icefishing. We decided to go out on the ice and test it.
This is (from left to right) me, my brother, Robert, and my sister, MariPat. We all jumped at the same time and we were still face. It was 12 degrees out!!!

We also went snowmobiling a lot. My sister and I drove so much we could barley talk because our faces were frozen and we got major windburn. It was a lot of fun though. My little sister, Lanie, was on the back while I drove around in my neighbor's field on their property. We live up the mountain from them.
In a nutshell, my weekend was full of freezing walks and rides, shooting targets, and working out.

Photo Journalism: Color

These pictures represent color to me.

The tie-dye shirt I made over the summer.

The painting Ms. Rosalie from Vermont gave me.

My parents' bedspread.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Photo Journalism: Texture

These photos represent texture to me.
My grandma crocheted this blanket for me. It is very soft.

This table has been in my family for 14 years. Every time you write, it goes through the paper and gets imprinted on the table.

I love the feeling of running my hand over a keyboard or piano even though I barley play it.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Photo Journalism: Underneath

These are all pictures that show 'underneath.'

under trolley in kitchen

under wood pile

under my trampoline

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What My Family Eats


Inside Refridgerator
Refridgerator Door


Some of my family's favorite foods are chili and enchiladas and ice cream and cheesecake. On average, my family spends about $200/month on food.