Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Joyas Voladoras

This poem seems to be saying that no matter how strong you are, there is always something that can break you and make you weak. It seems in no way to make life seem positive or discouraging. It sort of seems to just mean that that is how life works. You cannot be so strong as to not be affected by anything. My favorite line is where it says that "Each one visits a thousand flowers each day." This just makes me feel amazed and puts me in awe as to how amazing these birds are.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


My favorite quotes:

"I never lost a game. I just ran out of time." ~Michael Jordan

"Field Hockey is the sport where hearts are broken, sticks are broken, and backs are broken, and every player comes back for more." ~Anonymous

"Sister is probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but once the sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship." ~Margaret Mead

"If God can work through me, he can work through anyone." ~Francis of Assisi

"True friends stab you in the front." ~Oscar Wilde
"I am a soldier, I fight where I'm told, and I win where I fight." ~George S. Patton

And the BEST QUOTE for last......

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Wear Sunscreen

These are my favorite lines in Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen that are worth following.

  • Get to know your parents; you never know when they'll be gone for good.
  • Be nice to your siblings: they're your best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.
These lines basically mean that your family is most important in the end. Don't push them away. They are your family and will love you no matter what.

A piece of advice that I could add is: Take chances. Do whatever you can now. You never know what could become of it.

Monday, May 6, 2013

What's Worth Knowing?

That is a great question: what is worth knowing? Neil Gaiman makes a good point. You can't learn anything worth knowing in school. You may learn how to add and subtract but that is not worth knowing. It is just something you have to know. I believe that your values are worth knowing. Your family heritage and background is worth knowing. How your freedoms came to be and your country became what it is. For example, many people died in wars and battles to give us the freedom of speech, religion, the right to vote. To not know about these heroic people is just disrespectful to the country and those people. These are all things worth knowing. Being a military kid, I believe it is worth knowing the words to the Pledge of Allegiance, the Star-Spangled Banner, and God Bless America. These words represent our country in my opinion. I also think that it is important to know the words to the Army Song because my dad has been in the army even longer than I have been alive. However, that may only pertain to me. It is worth knowing how to react in different situations and to know different survival techniques. Reactions and survival techniques can save lives. These are some of the things that I think are worth knowing.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Waste Land

The most memorable aspect of the Waste Land documentary was the pictures that he took. Not the ones made of trash, but the actual photos; especially the one of the Isis and her friend. I learned that I should not judge someone just because they have a different job or just because they live in a different country.

The pickers must have felt very special when Vik Muñiz decided to make an art project out of there jobs. They must have figured that since it was such a bad town, full of drugs and fighting, that nobody would want to go there or have any part of it. To have a job like garbage picking turn into art that people pay for, it is incredible.

If someone made artwork from an aspect of my life, I would want the art made out of something musical or field hockey. They are my two passions and play a major role in my life. To be made into art and have my life made into something bigger, I would feel that someone cared; that my life was worth something much more.

Isis and Valeria

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Photo Essay Analysis

I chose this photo because my family is military and so are a lot of my older family members. In the photo is a soldier of the U.S. Army Old Guard. You may not notice that many of the gravestones do not have an American flag next to them. It is Memorial Day and it took 1,300 soldiers, marines, and sailors  three hours to put a flag at the base of over 300,000 graves in Arlington Cemetery in Washington, D.C. This means a lt to me because it shows that we remember the fallen and that we care. This also reminds me of the soldiers that stand outside the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier no matter day or night, rain or shine. The question is, would you be willing to do this for your fallen heroes of the United States of America?


Monday, February 25, 2013

Photo Journalism: Looking In

Here are photos I think represent looking in.

Looking into the pan that my sister is making cupcakes in

Looking into a candle holder

Looking into my analog clock in the kitchen

Thursday, February 21, 2013

President's Day in Vermont

During the 3-day weekend, I went to my house in Vermont. We drove by a lake in Newport, VT (10 minutes from Canada) and saw a bunch of people icefishing. We decided to go out on the ice and test it.
This is (from left to right) me, my brother, Robert, and my sister, MariPat. We all jumped at the same time and we were still face. It was 12 degrees out!!!

We also went snowmobiling a lot. My sister and I drove so much we could barley talk because our faces were frozen and we got major windburn. It was a lot of fun though. My little sister, Lanie, was on the back while I drove around in my neighbor's field on their property. We live up the mountain from them.
In a nutshell, my weekend was full of freezing walks and rides, shooting targets, and working out.

Photo Journalism: Color

These pictures represent color to me.

The tie-dye shirt I made over the summer.

The painting Ms. Rosalie from Vermont gave me.

My parents' bedspread.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Photo Journalism: Texture

These photos represent texture to me.
My grandma crocheted this blanket for me. It is very soft.

This table has been in my family for 14 years. Every time you write, it goes through the paper and gets imprinted on the table.

I love the feeling of running my hand over a keyboard or piano even though I barley play it.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Photo Journalism: Underneath

These are all pictures that show 'underneath.'

under trolley in kitchen

under wood pile

under my trampoline

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What My Family Eats


Inside Refridgerator
Refridgerator Door


Some of my family's favorite foods are chili and enchiladas and ice cream and cheesecake. On average, my family spends about $200/month on food.

Friday, January 11, 2013

20% Project: Field Hockey

For my 20% project, I will probably end up doing it on field hockey. It is my passion and my favorite sport in the whole world. I know how to play, but I do not know where it originated or how it came to be. I am really curious about this. For my project, I will need a field hockey stick and ball. I can also use other equipment and maybe even my favorite goalie equipment. It may be hard to get the equipment because it belongs to the school. That would be one roadblock. I can consult some of the coaches from the high school. I can also consult my dad because he was a woman's college field hockey coach. I hope this is a good idea.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 Resolutions

In 2012, I learned that I have a lot of really good friends. They all have my back and support me and everything I do. I also learned that I need to be bolder and braver. If I want to do something, I need to try and not be afriad. For example, I was really scared to audition for a solo in chorus. I finally got the nerve to audition and I got one of the solos. Another example is that I was nervous about singing in NBC Idol at Tis the Season. Well, I did it and I got a 20 for my score....PERFECT!

In 2013, I will try to exercize more to get in shape for lacrosse season. I will try to eat healthier and be nicer to my siblings, parents, and friends. I will also try to sing the National Anthem at a winter sporting event. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!